Geoff Johns to be elevated to position he should have always had at DC Films
Geoff Johns DC Entertianment CCO.
Looks like Warner Bros. is trying to get their theatrical house in order after the performance of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. If the stories circulating on the net tonight are true it looks like Warners is putting Exec VP Jon Berg and DC’s CCO Geoff Johns in charge of their movie universe.
Jon Berg has worked on BvS, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, and currently Justice League. Geoff Johns is already one of the industry’s most popular writers and helped successfully launch DC’s television universe with Arrow and The Flash. Johns has also reportedly co-written a script for a new Batman movie along with Ben Affleck who is set to direct it.
DC Entertainment has needed their version of Kevin Fiege, who keeps everything in check at Marvel, and I think putting Johns in that position is a no brainer. Geoff has has had executive producer credits for a lot of DC’s films, but has primarily been working on the TV and comics side of things.
Want to know more about Johns then listen to episodes 28 & 29 of Kevin Smith’s Fatman on Batman podcast to learn just how steeped in comics and movies. It’s worth it just hear him tell amazing stories of interning for Richard Donner.
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