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Robert Pattinson camera test in Batman suit!

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The Batman director, Matt Reeves, posted a camera test of Robert Pattinson in the Batman suit earlier today. It has been confirmed, via twitter, that the music playing over the clip is from The Batman composer Michael Giacchino. Check out the 56 second clip below along with some screenshots!

To me the Batsuit has an Arkham Knight game feel to it with a bit of a Netflix Daredevil vibe in the cowl department. I’m sure lots of people, on the internet, have made that comparison even as I’m typing this. There’s a rumor that the costume will be Batman’s classic blue and gray so the red filter in this clip may be there to throw us off and just give us a quick glimpse of the outfit. What do you think of the costume? The Batman will be hitting theaters on June 25, 2021!

Morbius trailer & screenshots

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Sony Pictures released the teaser trailer for Morbius their second film revolving around one of Spider-Man’s rouges following 2018's Venom. Created by by Roy Thomas and Gil Kane, Morbius first appeared in ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ #101 on October 1, 1971. Morbius follows Michael Morbius, a scientist who attempts to cure himself from a rare blood disease. Using bat DNA, he transforms himself into a pseudo-vampire with a thirst for blood.

 Check out the trailer, below, along with a selection of screenshots and see if you can spot any easter eggs that connect this film to the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Staring Jared Leto, Matt Smith, Adria Arjona and directed by Daniel Espinosa, Morbius will be released on July 31, 2020.