Near Mint Fanboys

Forged in the '80s!

Filtering by Tag: dc comics

Issue 1: Three Men & A Little Batfleck

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In their premier episode The Near Mint Fanboys introduce themselves and reveal how they got into comic books.  A quick disagreement over the year Marvel Trading Cards were released ensues and the show is off and running!  The guys give their thoughts on Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, review the Lego Super Heroes Kryptonite Interception Batmobile and talk about the Batman: Dark Knight Returns hardcover graphic novel & DC Universe Movie combo pack. If that’s not enough then Bryan and Chase go head-to-head in a Marvel Trivia game with Fred hosting like a latin Richard Dawson. The gang ends the show revealing their “Fanboy Five” list of top 5 Batman V Superman dream match-ups! 

Bryan, Fred, and Chase
Three Men & A Little Batfleck
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